Good Shepherd Sunday 21 April

Good Shepherd Sunday 21 April

" The entire People of God is responsible for promoting vocations, and does so chiefly by persistent and humble prayer for vocations."

Pope John Paul II

Good Shepherd Sunday or Vocations Sunday, falls this year on April 21 and is marked  world wide as a day of prayer for Vocations. The purpose of this day is to fulfil Jesus' instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).  We are all called to a vocation, whether religious, married or single life, however specifically on Good Shepherd Sunday, the Church concentrates her attention on raising up shepherds for God's people. This means the focus is on vocations to Holy Orders (the priesthood and diaconate) and to religious life. We encourage all who are discerning their vocation to pray more earnestly that they may hear and respond to God's call.

It is at this same time every year that we run our seminary appeal alongside other dioceses in New Zealand. We humbly ask for your support in both prayer and monetary donations. 

This year the Holy Cross, our National seminary, has a total of 17 seminarians.  Three of these men are out on pastoral assignment, six of them are in their first year and this includes one of our very own from the Hamilton Diocese.  Nhat Long Cao, who we first introduced to you in our Spring 2023 Kete Kōrero, is now a resident at Holy Cross Seminary.  

Seminarians are supported by their individual diocese, so your kind donations support them in their studies covering their accommodation and meals, books, internet access, insurances and tertiary study fees.  We can also continue to contribute our share to the upkeep, maintenance and staffing costs of Holy Cross Seminary. Nhat sent us a message early February once he was settled in, he was looking forward to his study beginning on February 19, but asked us all to pray for him on his long and challenging journey ahead. 

Your donation can also make an immense difference to any future vocations of priesthood from our diocese, helping young men on their spiritual journey of formation. Hung Van Ha, who we also met in the spring edition, is continuing his English studies, this time over at the Bay Learning Academy in Mount Maunganui. Your donations assist with his living expenses and tuition fees, all while he continues his discernment to the priesthood. 

Waikato Christian Supplies Trust :A GENEROUS GIFT  RECEIVED

Waikato Christian Supplies Trust :A GENEROUS GIFT  RECEIVED