St Paul's Catholic Church

Parish Feast Day - 29 June, Feast of Saints Peter & Paul

Established - 1940

Parish Priest

Rev Matthew Gibson


Terry Prendergast (Parish Contact):
07 824 8845

Theresa (Convenor Liturgy Committee):
(07) 824 8704
027 441 1674


Mass & Reconciliation Times

Sunday Mass

10:30am weekly
Followed by a shared morning tea.


Wednesday - 09:30am
Celebrated with our St. Paul’s school community and followed by exposition of the Blessed Eucharist


Available 20 minutes before Mass times

Please check the parish website for the latest times.



Street Address

Corner of Belt Street and Great South Road, Ngaruawahia

Postal Address

PO Box 106, Ngaruawahia 3742