Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Ōtorohanga

Parish Feast Day - Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Saturday after the Feast of the Sacred Heart

Established - 1945

Parish Priest

Rev Msgr Joseph Stack

Resident in Te Awamutu

Assistant Priest

Rev Rico Enriquez

Resident in Te Kuiti

Permanent Diaconate

Deacon Brian Whitlow

Resident in Otorohanga


Mass & Reconciliation Times

Sunday Mass
Te Awamutu -10:00am
Te Kuiti - 9:30am
Otorohanga - 11:30am*
*may differ during January
Te Awamutu - 5pm Saturday Vigil

Please phone the parish office for weekday Mass times & for Reconciliation times.


07 878 6417


Street Address

38 Hinewai Street, Otorohanga 3940

Postal Address

PO Box 5, Otorohanga 3940